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育晶论坛第29期:GaN D-mode vs. E-mode: a clash oftechnologies? or the perfect co-existence?

发布日期:2024-11-18   点击量:

主讲人:赵明 技术总监




Gallium nitride (GaN) devices have emerged as a superior alternative to maturetechnologies like Si, boasting higher efficiency, power density, and cost-effectiveness forvarious applications. Among the GaN landscape, there are three main technologiesDepletion mode (D-mode), Enhancement mode (E-mode), and vertical GaN, although thelatest one not yet broadly commercially available.D-mode devices function as normally-on switches, therefore used in combination withcascode or direct drive configurations. D-mode cascode devices offer higher gate thresholdvoltage, lower 3rd quadrant losses or lower gate leakage current. E-mode HEMTs, based ora p-GaN layer on the gate (normally-off), offer advantages like enhanced efficiency at lowevoltages (<300V),simpler manufacturing, and improved slew rate control.This presentation will delve into the strengths and weaknesses of each technology, whilealso examining their respective target segments, applications, and market sizes.


Dr. Ming Zhao, obtained B.E. degree in thermophysics from Tsinghua UniversityBeijing, China, in 1999, M.E and Ph.D. degrees in material physics both fromLinköping University, Linköping, Sweden, in 2003 and 2008, respectively. Right afterhis Ph.D. study, he joined imec, Belgium, in 2008, as a researcher. His work at imecfocused on lll-N MOVPE on various substrates up to 200mm in size for powerelectronic and RF electronic devices.He has been the principal scientist and thetechnical lead of the GaN Epi team at imec until 2022 when he left imec and joinecNexperia as the technical director in GaN Epitaxy, responsible for all GaN epitaxyrelated activities and managing the GaN Epi team at Nexperia. Dr. Zhao hasextensive collaboration with 20+ major companies in the GaN industry and 10+universities and research institutes worldwide. During his imec time, he has donemany pioneering works in GaN epitaxial technology on 40V-1200V GaN powerdevices, GaN lC and advanced GaN-on-Si RF devices. He also played a key role in 5technology transfers on 200mm emode GaN-on-Si power technology andcontributed significantly to 4 large-scale EU projects. He has 120+ publications irscientific journals and conferences and 20+ granted and 6 pending patents.